Additional information

The main components of the library lives under one namespace, namely GuiBase. However the library introduces a few other namespace intrusions.

Namespace reservations


This function is just a shorthand for cls.__Class

Parameters:cls – Any class object/instance.
IsInstance(obj, cls*)

Similar to Pythons function of the same name. It returns true if the type (or technically class name) of obj matches any of those specified in cls.

  • obj – A class object/instance.
  • cls – Any variadic amount of class objects/instances.

Boolean value.


This function should not be touched by the user, it’s used by IndirectReferenceHolder.

A real world example of IsInstance()

; assume MyGui is a gui with one text control

MyControl := MyGui.Controls[1] ; gets the control

msgbox % IsInstance(MyControl, GuiBase.TextControl)
; the line above will result to true, since the control
; is of type GuiBase.TextControl

msgbox % IsInstance(MyControl, GuiBase.ControlType)
; the line above will also result to true, since the
; control type (GuiBase.TextControl) inherit from
; GuiBase.ContentControlType which in turn inherit
; from GuiBase.ControlType

msgbox % IsInstance(MyControl, GuiBase, GuiBase.ContentControlType)
; also true. It'll check if MyControl is an instance
; of GuiBase first and since it isn't, it'll continue and
; check the next one, which it of course is an instance of

Only one class is bundled with the library at the moment. Currently the only usage of this class is in the constructor of GuiBase.ControlType.

class IndirectReferenceHolder

This class creates an indirect reference to an object and holds the original reference itself.

It uses all five meta-functions to create a layer between the actual object and what the user has access to.